About the Company

Message from the Company President

Representative Director and President Katsunori Hirata

Our Mission is to Create Jobs

Our company was founded in November 2009 by three people with a united goal of “creating jobs through semiconductor packaging innovation.”
At that time, the effects of the Lehman shock were felt strongly throughout the world, causing great damage to society as a whole. The winds of large-scale structural reform were blowing through the semiconductor industry, with many incidents of early retirement, business downsizing, and business withdrawal. It was a situation that robbed many of our colleagues, business partners, and others in the community of hope.

Hope Is in the Past, The Reason to Fight Is in the Future

This slogan—which links the words of Honoré de Balzac and those spoken by Sazo Idemitsu to his employees immediately after the end of the war—expresses the aspirations of our company.

Looking back at the recovery and development of the Japanese economy after the war, we see that despite the scarcity of people, goods, and funds, our predecessors in all industries had the ambition to take on the challenge of expanding “growth markets” with the power of innovation, and I think it is an unmistakable fact that they succeeded in building the framework of the current Japanese economy.

In modern terms, I believe that the IoT market, which is projected to continue to have a double-digit CAGR, can be expected to see significant growth, and that innovation will lead to industrial and regional development and job creation.

The implementation of the IoT market is a world in which semiconductor mounting is incorporated in all manner of things and in all kinds of forms, and I believe that great business opportunities will certainly arise as we anticipate potential future market pains, gather Japan’s industrial strength, and solve problems.

Concept Behind the Company Name

The concept behind the company name, CONNECTEC JAPAN, is this:
Connect Technology with Technology, Engineer with Engineer, And Company with Company to vitalize JAPAN
That is, “by connecting technology with technology, people with people, and companies with companies, we aim to create a wave of innovation from Japan and contribute to the world”.
These are the aspirations that we put into our name.

In order to live up to our company name, we will continue to work together as a team to take on the challenges of solving IoT market pain points through innovation in electronic device implementation, including semiconductors, and will strive for growth and development.
To all our valued customers and business partners, I would like to humbly ask for your continued trust and support.

Katsunori Hirata
Representative Director and President

Corporate Philosophy

Corporate Philosophy

Corporate Mission

We aim to be the first company customers turn to when they have a problem, in a variety of packaging technology fields, and we boldly take on and respond to customer requests, issues, and concerns.
We approach our business with pride and passion, knowing that our mounting technology, design and process proposals, and other capabilities create high added value for our customers’ product development and business.

Corporate Vision

We do not stubbornly insist on solving mounting technology issues solely within our company, but instead connect domestic and international partner companies, technologies, and people to contribute to the optimal manufacturing of our customers.

Corporate Value

Reliability:Responding to trust with sincerity and passion
Challenge:Always thinking, enjoying change, and going beyond limits and conventional wisdom
Breakthrough:Opening up new paths with flexible thinking and strong execution capabilities
Harmony:Building relationships of trust through active communication
Respect:Showing gratitude while leveraging each other’s strengths to grow together